In Vitro Fertilization with Donated Eggs
What is egg donation?
Egg donation is currently one of the most effective assisted reproduction treatments since it allows a woman who cannot have children with her own eggs to conceive. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is performed by receiving the egg from an anonymous donor that is fertilized with sperm from the partner. The generated embryos are transferred to the recipient mother.
Who is it suitable for?
Advanced reproductive age in women
Women who are carriers of a genetic disease
Very low ovarian reserve
Women with multiple previous treatment failures
Depleted ovarian reserve after cancer or surgical treatments
Women without ovaries
Phases of egg donation
To receive the embryos, the recipient must undergo endometrial preparation hormonal treatment for implantation to occur.
It consists of a treatment with estrogens that we start with your period. This is how we prepare your endometrium for the reception of the embryos. At least two ultrasounds will be necessary. This phase usually lasts about 12-14 days.
Donor ovarian puncture is performed when the follicles have reached the desired size. That day we need the semen sample from the partner or sperm donor for fertilization with the donor's eggs. In the case of a couple's semen sample, there are two possibilities:
a) Fresh semen sample. It will be taken the same day as the donor's follicular puncture.
b) Frozen semen sample. Previously, the couple will go to the center to leave a semen sample that will be frozen. This process allows greater flexibility since it is not necessary for the couple to go to the center on the day of the egg retrieval. You can drop off the semen sample the same day as the first visit.
It consists of depositing the embryos in the uterus through a very fine cannula inserted through the cervix. It is not painful and is normally done within three days of donation. The law limits the maximum number of embryos that can be transferred to three.
Egg donation price
The price of fertility treatment through
Egg donation, there are several programs available, from € 4,995 and include:
Ultrasound cycle checks
Egg selection, ICSI fertilization, incubation and embryo transfer
Study request and cycle scheduling
BHCG pregnancy test